Solution: Using the program Sandboxie + 26-digit keychanger program it worked just fine.
My question is: How do i multi-client with 26-digit keys? Is it possible? How do i convert 26-digit keys into 16-digit keys? Once you link them to a account they stay as 26-digit. If i try to use programs like CD-Keychangers then they want me to input 16-digit keys which i do not have. With the program D2EX Tool i am unable to connect more clients since i have 26-digit cdkeys. My problem is: I want to play two accounts at the same time in order to mule safely.
I am using the downloaded version of D2 LOD from, and it works well.
Atm i have four 26-digit CDkeys, linked to 2 different accounts. If its tied to your blizzard account, you should already have the 26 character key in place of the old 16 digit one.
Hey guys, i have some problems with the old/new cdkey versions. PROBLEM FIXED, SEE SOLUTION IF YOU HAD THE SAME ISSUES.